Here are the 10 worst NBA injuries of all-time.

Injuries happen all the time in sports. Whether it’s as simple as a scratch or as bad as a torn ACL, athletes get used to pain. While the worst, most severe injuries are usually thought to happen in football and hockey, the NBA has had its fair share of devastating injuries over the years.

Throughout the year, a variety of players will be injured and forced to sit out a few games. These injuries aren’t often thought of as being too gruesome, but, every so often, we see an injury that makes us look away. Keep in mind that unlike any other sport, NBA players aren’t wearing any protection at all. This usually leads to some nasty falls resulting in broken bones, sprains, and a lot of blood spilling onto the court. With so many games in such a short amount of time, many players are pressured to go back in as soon as possible, if not, their team may fall in the playoff hunt.


#NBA #Injuries

10 Worst NBA Injuries of all-time

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